Friday, July 29, 2011

Just how much power over us do warmists want?

It’s increasingly clear that even more dangerous than the carbon dioxide tax are the measures taken by Left wing governments to crush resistance against it and force you to comply:

The Conservative government of John Howard introduced the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (the NGER Act). The act set up a compulsory national framework for the reporting and dissemination of information about greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, and energy use and production of corporations.
The objectives of the NGER Act, as stated in the legislation, are to:

  • inform government policy and the Australian public
  • assist Commonwealth, state and territory government programs and activities
  • avoid the duplication of similar reporting requirements in the states and territories
  • underpin the introduction of an emissions trading scheme

The first annual reporting period began on 1 July 2008. Corporations that meet an NGER threshold must report their:

  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • energy production
  • energy consumption
  • other information specified under NGER legislation

Thursday, July 28, 2011

GetUp turns to ShutUp

The creeping totalitarianism of the Left:

Under the commercial broadcasting code of conduct, broadcasters are required to make reasonable efforts to ensure that factual material is accurate, and are given 30 days to make a correction after they receive an initial complaint.
GetUp! had made a complaint to the Australian Communications and Media Authority that says the broadcaster 2GB was wrong when he stated human beings produce only 0.001 per cent of carbon dioxide in the air 
GetUp! has also alleged Mr Jones contravenes another section of the code of conduct which requires broadcasters to give ''reasonable opportunities'' to ''significant viewpoints'' on ''controversial issues of public importance''.

Mr Jones today denied ever having made the comment and said the complaint was politically motivated.

"I never said that at all," he told AAP.

And Jones quite rightly points out:

Much of my stuff is opinion … I am a broadcaster, I don't pretend (to know what I'm talking about)..." 
''… (my)opinions lack validity...(my) opinions are extreme..."

Why shouldn't  Alan Jones be entitled to his own facts?

And what gives GetUp! the right to use the existing complaints process for the codes of practice developed by the industry itself under section 123 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992?

Surely the complaint process should only be used so we can complain about the ABC?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Farr out on Monckton

We’re told repeatedly that Lord Monckton is no scientist and his arguments against global warming alarmism are nonsense.

So it’s very telling after having been grudgingly granted a debate at the National Press Club that no scientist or journalist or scientist or scientists have come forward as yet to demonstrate some fraud or foolish error in Monckton’s arguments.



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If this is warming, the crops are loving it

The warmists cry starvation in 2008:

Impoverished farmers in South Asia and southern Africa could face growing food shortages due to climate change within just 20 years, a new study says... 
“The majority of the world’s one billion poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods,” said the lead author of the new study, David Lobell of Stanford University. 
“Unfortunately, agriculture is also the human enterprise most vulnerable to changes in climate.”

But so far, so great, as my local Woolworths noted:

Not sure what to cook tonight? Make dinner a breeze with Continental Fresh Meal Ideas, the convenient meal solution perfect for any night of the week. 
For more Specials this week, please search your local catalogue and visit your local store to find out more.

Monday, July 18, 2011

MT today July 18

On our MT 1950s show today:

- Lord Christopher Monckton tells us he’s apprehensive about tomorrow’s debate at the National Press Club after the 651st time all his taking points were "meticulously shown to be utter nonsense".

- Monckton rightly likens the claim of those who think science needs facts to "the intimidation and stifling of debate by the Hitler Youth". "I certainly didn't need any so-called science to discover my Universal Cancer Cure™ ", he noted.

 - Monckton went on to confide that the Carbon Tax certainly "wouldn't be getting his vote in the Australian Senate"

Listen here.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog science poll results

The results from our second Blog Science Poll™ are in:

Does CO2 absorb and emit energy in the thermal infrared?
Yes................. 35

No................... 21

It's plant food.....43

So there you have it. All the evidence we need  - CO2 is only plant food.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here we go again with another Arctic scare

So what happened to all those earlier predictions of melting Arctic sea ice?

(click to enlarge image)

Views from the windows of my blog readers

Views from typical blog readers:

Reader Alison looks out her window.

Reader James lines up for Lord Monckton's public address.

Reader Tim takes a break from reading my blog.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A fraud on the Australian people

JULIA Gillard’s carbon dioxide tax is the most brazen policy to be perpetrated by an Australian government.

Apart from the fact that 2 out of 3 families will be fully compensated for the tiny rise in household costs of $9.90 a week, and apart from the fact that the price signal will drive innovation and job growth, and apart from the fact that pensioners will be better off, and apart from the tax cuts, and apart from the fact that there will be no major effects on job creation or incomes, and apart from the fact that up to $110 extra per child will go to families under Family Tax Benefit A, and apart from the fact that up to $69 extra per year will go to families eligible under Family Tax Benefit B, and apart from the assistance to emissions intensive trade exposed industries, and apart from the money from the tax allocated to renewable energy projects and research, and apart from the move to a market based price on July 1, 2015, and apart from the targets to reduce emission by 5% by 2020 and 80% by 2050:

Apart from those tiny benefits, this must be a fraud on the Australian people, because I've haven't spent all this time being alarmist and scaremongering for nothing. I've been saying all along, even before the policy was announced, that this policy is a fraud. If we ignore the policy detail, I stand by my position.

Vent here while venting is still legal.

Is News becoming embarrassed by what’s made News great?

Brendan O’Neill is right:

ACROSS the world, miles of column inches and hours of television and radio debate have been devoted to the closure of the News of the World. And yet the gravity of what occurred last week has not been grasped anywhere.
You don’t have to have been a fan of the News of the World, still less of its recent antics, to recognise that the moral crusade is likely to have a chilling effect on the British media. 
The end result of the hysterical crusade against “evil” tabloids: a situation where the Murdoch press have to operate within the rule of law and actually tell the truth. This is a disaster for freedom of the press.

I’ll add two things.

First, the “proper press” has had no compunction about publishing Wikileaks therefore why can't Murdoch's newspapers break the law as well?

Second, what worries me is that News of the World was closed not by liberal campaigners disgusted by the paper’s culture, but possibly by News executives disgusted by it, too. These News executives need to harden up and get with the programme. There is no room for so-called "ethics" at News.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Temperature update

Although I noticed it had been chilly a few months ago it now seems like its warmer than most of the decade.

And although the decade looks the hottest, I'm sure its just naturally hot or something - and as we skeptics still like to say, "There has been no Global warming this decade"

Roy Spencer updates his temperature record:

The new McCarthyists

No doubt the Left will complain:

American Family Association Launches Boycott Against McDonald’s For ‘Promoting The Homosexual Agenda’


Right Wing Group Calls For Boycott Of Jewish-Owned Stores That Employ Arabs


Right-wing group boycotts Google for opposing Prop. 8.


Right-Wing Talk Radio Hosts Call for GM Boycott


The Weekly Gillard

Readers tell me the title or headline of my blog posts are all they need in order to know how to think. So here is this week's summary:

Can Gillard be trusted to keep our lights on? 
Gillard’s last chance 
When even the gingers disown her, time’s up  
Gillard spends your money to pitch her politics 
Gillard says she’ll take your cash to sell her tax 
Gillard stunned instead  
Gillard’s last hope is to defy the Greens 
On the other hand, Gillard could still tax the drivers 
Gillard won’t tell you her tax won’t stop any warming.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Now the real interest is in rates

As the Reserve Bank of Australia meets to discuss monetary policy, Terry McCrann is ahead of the curve:

The Australian economy shrank in the March quarter but is smack in the middle of a boom and the Reserve Bank will lift interest rates in July. 
Increased spending means RBA must lift rates now [...] the RBA has to deliver somewhere between two and four rises over the next year. It has to start now.

Read about the RBA's decision here - due out this afternoon.


The view today of my blog reader

A new series: what typical readers of my blog have seen through their window.

Today it’s reader David.

Last goal reached for my TV show

Thanks very much again: In little more than two months the total audience for our show and its repeat have lost to Insiders' ABC 1 broadcast and the News 24 simulcast:

The Clot Report 123,000 
The Clot Report Encore 115,000 
ABC Insiders 239,000

We’re chuffed

Monday, July 4, 2011

Just a hunch


My deep knowledge of foreign affairs and my inherent sexism tells me we’ll see a few more stories on television about Thai politics after the election of the new Thai prime minister.

Friday, July 1, 2011

So much for Weather Underground

I analyse the science and put Weather Underground founder Jeff Masters's list to the sword:

Earth’s hottest year on record
gotcha - equal hottest with 2005

Most extreme winter Arctic atmospheric circulation on record
um, the atmosphere always circulates

Arctic sea ice: lowest volume on record, 3rd lowest extent
ah huh , third lowest is not the lowest.

Record melting in Greenland, and a massive calving event
calving? there are no cows in Greenland

Second most extreme shift from El Niño to La Niña
second is for losers.

Second worst coral bleaching year
Wettest year over land
but what about over water?

Amazon rainforest experiences its 2nd 100-year drought in 5 years
so the other 98 years were not in drought, yes?

Global tropical cyclone activity lowest on record
that's good

A hyperactive Atlantic hurricane season: 3rd busiest on record
better to be busy than idle

A rare tropical storm in the South Atlantic
if it's rare, then we're lucky to have seen it - bit like Halley's comet

Strongest storm in Southwestern U.S. history
finally number 1

Strongest non-coastal storm in U.S. history
ok so number 1 again...

Weakest and latest-ending East Asian monsoon on record
well that's not number 1

No monsoon depressions in India’s Southwest Monsoon for 2nd time in 134 years
who wants monsoon depressions anyway - no point getting upset about it.

The Pakistani flood: most expensive natural disaster in Pakistan’s history

The Russian heat wave and drought: deadliest heat wave in human history

Record rains trigger Australia’s most expensive natural disaster in history
blah blah

Heaviest rains on record trigger Colombia’s worst flooding disaster in history

ok, enough with the "worst in history"

So there you have it: I do the science while Masters beats a drum.