Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Middle class Australian Buddhists aren’t sceptics

After arriving in Australia yesterday, the Dalai Lama called,

 for countries to cut greenhouse gases urgently, without waiting for other nations to act first.

If you were an Australian of a sceptical disposition, would you really be a Buddhist?

Catholicism, one the other hand, is different. Cardinal George Pell understands that the physics and chemistry of planetary climate are a threat to reason and lays out some unique analysis:

The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to rise, but the world's temperature has not risen since 1998 [...] Evidence shows the wheels are falling from the climate catastrophe bandwagon.

And we peek again into the diary of Cardinal Pell:

Meanwhile, by candlelight, I continue my intermittent work on climate change. I open my dog-eared copy of Ian Plimer's tome. Page 116, page 120, and on I go. It is here that I learn that the Sun isn't composed of 98 per cent hydrogen and helium, (contrary to a century of observation and theory by heretical astronomers) but is instead similar in composition to a meteorite ... God enlightens men's eyes, sets things before them in a true light

Why haven't we heard the IPCC or Buddhists acknowledge that the sun is actually a meteorite?

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