Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where is the warming?

Am I missing something? Where is the warming over the last 150 years?

And clearly, if we look at this weeks climate in Melbourne, there is a cooling trend:

 MinMaxRain to 9am
Mon 16/057.0°C18.0°C0.0mm
Sun 15/057.0°C17.0°C0.0mm
Sat 14/056.0°C16.0°C0.0mm
Fri 13/056.0°C16.0°C0.0mm
Thu 12/056.0°C15.0°C0.0mm

Why aren't climate scientists talking about this trend? And why won't climate commissioner Tim Flannery address this issue with me on my TV show?  

If global warming is real, why is it cooling this week in Melbourne?

1 comment:

  1. Point of order: That actually shows a warming trend.

    You can't afford to get that sort of thing wrong if, as it RICHLY deserves, you are going to pull the piss
