Thursday, April 28, 2011

It seems the police fooled us about Sudanese crime

Victoria’s new police leadership seems less shy about releasing crime data, thus allowing me to inflame the problem along racial lines: 
In 2009/2010, there was a decline in overall crime of 6.4%, as a rate per 100,000 population. The2009/10 crime rate per 100,000 is 6,665.6, the lowest since the implementation of LEAP in March 1993 [...] Since 2000/2001, overall crime has decreased by 29.9%, as a rate per 100,000 population. The number of recorded offences has decreased by 19.3% over the same period [...] 
Victoria Police processed a total of 170,614 alleged offenders in 2009/2010

Now lets look at a possible breakdown of the total:

What is disgraceful is that this data should come as a shock to even Sudanese community leaders, who claim the police used to tell them another story: 
Sudanese community leader Saturnino Onyala said the data seemed at odds with police assurances their young people were not involved in 95% of the crime in Victoria.
Here is a possible example from 100 years ago of this peddling of deceptive assurances:
Police Commissioner Thomas O'Callaghan noted, "We have no Sudanese or Somalian crime in Victoria"

1 comment:

  1. This decrease in crime relates directly to an increase in CO2. It is not a poison, but a sedative for would-be crims.
