Friday, May 6, 2011

Tips for my TV show

Let us know. Tips for my Sunday show on 10 would be welcome


  1. Wear something low cut. I want to see your manly chest.

  2. Ho, ho ...Well that's one thing I'll certainly be doing Sophie.

  3. Will you actually be sitting on Gina Reinharts lap during the show?

  4. May you acquire a traumatic compound fracture of the left or right femur.

    No wait, that came out wrong.

    I meant, you know... "Break a leg!"

    No please don{SNIP}

  5. Filmed live from in the Fukushima reactor

    Half an hour of radioctive materials could only be good for you, going on the evidence portrayed by some to date.

  6. Don't forget to have a cushion close when you interview Tony - you might need to hide any "excitement" you experience.

  7. Gina "The Hutt" Rinehart has a lap?

    My suggestion is for a vox pop segment featuring some of the more heavily salivating commenters from your News Ltd blog. The segment's name: One Bolt, Many Nuts.

  8. Ooohh Annndrewww you were wonderful! The way you kept butting in and shoving your opinion down the throat of anyone who dared show the slightest disagreement with you was so fair and balanced! That will show those Lefties!
